Sunday, September 10, 2006

GPS's in the dog house

Son played golf yesterday am, then soccer pm. After the soccer he went to the pub with the older lads. They must have bought him a pint or two as he had the massive sum of £3 about his person. He arrived home at 8pm and wolfed a dinner of spag bog. Then disappeared to his room. He must have felt worse for wear and gone out into the garden, as when my husband put the dog out last thing there was a rather unpleasant visting card. I was furious and got GPS up out of his pit to clear up the mess.
I know we all have to learn about drink, and my husband and I have known each other since we were 18 and 19 so we both know what eegits we were at this age, but I firmly believe parents aren't here to be your mates, and being outside in the gloaming with a hose is a lesson he won't forget in while.

We got an apology this morning. The little sod looks no worse for wear, at that age it doesn't seem to take long to shake it off. So we're into another phase of parenting, not sure which worst the terrible twos or the stroppy teens.

I worked in the garden, my astrantia elimination project is almost finished. During the Bank Holiday weekend I discover Peter Beales, the rose growers were giving 25% off bare rooted roses, so I ordered some Bourbon ones for the garden, as I now have the space. They'll come bare rooted in the winter. I chose Mme Isaac Pereire,and Variegata di Bologna and another that I can't remember. Roses are doing really well here now with our drier summers. We used to get really wet Junes that ruined the buds, but the last two summers have been fantastic for roses. I can't wait for next year to see them flower. When I finished digging I ate plums saright of the tree that were warm from the sunshine, I probably risk avian flu, but it was worth it. Figs are also amazing, I've had loads of friends round begiing a few. The blackbird has had his share too, if I approach the tree he flutters out sounding really huffy about sharing them.


Blogger Andrew McAllister said...

The blackbird in the fig tree ... I have a cherry tree in my backyard and lately we've had squirrels, chipmunks, robins, and yes, blackbirds all munching down.

To Love, Honor and Dismay

5:12 pm  
Blogger apprentice said...

Hi Andrew,

Sounds like quite a menagerie you've got there!

Hey i may drop by your page if I don't manage to sort out my menagerie, lol!

5:59 pm  

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