Monday, July 14, 2008


Sorry for not posting. In part I've been busy and in part I've not been able to think of anything much to say.

I was away the weekend before last from Thursday to Monday volunteering at a garden up in Aberdeenshire. I had a lovely weekend, especially working in their new long herbaceous border, staking and checking out what was thriving and what wasn't.
Funnily enough we discovered every single plant of a form of phlox had been eaten by snails or slugs - there was nothing left, save a few mangled stems at ground level.

The site is also on a slope, so it was also notable that water was an issue for plants at the top, while the lushest growth was at the foot of the "hill".
The head gardener is going to put in an irrigation system to sort this out.

We also did lots of summer fruit pruning on espaliered medlars, plums and cherries.

And I did two poetry readings at the Open Day in the walled Rose Garden on the theme of roses and gardens - including three poems from Heart Notes, my pamphlet. I was very nervous as it wasn't my home crowd, or a poetry audience - but everyone hushed after the first poem, even the children, and I got really lovely applause.

My FIL's party was a great success too, though almost 30 folk in the house was quite a challenge! But everyone had a good time and we had all 6 grandchildren under one roof for the first time ever, no mean feat when the ages range from 19 to 5 and four live abroad. I just have to get the wine stains off the floor and all will be well!

I also visited Jane Will's, Colin's wife's, art exhibition yesterday. It is beautifully hung and Jane is able to draw and paint in lots of different styles. So I really enjoyed it.

This week I hope to rest up and catch my breath as I'm feeling a little ragged at present with various aches and pains.

I hope to get round fellow bloggers as the week goes on, so don't give up on me.


Blogger Lucy said...

As if we would!

Sounds like you've had a busy and positive time, good about the poetry reading reception, you are brave! ( But then I knew that...)

I've noticed it all goes a bit quiet in the blog world at this time of year anyway.

3:46 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who'd have thought there was any part of Scotland you'd have to irrigate!

You've been busy, gal. Take it easy and catch your breath again - it sounds like your body's telling you to slow down.

I'm sorry to read of your husband's colleague. I lost an uncle to eosophagal cancer 2 years ago - 1 year from diagnosis til he died. It was a similar story for my mother's good friend who died at 47, last year. Same cancer, same rapid progression, same duration of illness before her death. Very, very sad. It seems to be a particularly aggressive and hard to treat cancer. I really wish the billions we spent on war were spent on stopping these hideous illnesses in our midst, cancers that rob us of our loved ones.

1:06 am  
Blogger Pat said...

So you've just been twiddling your thumbs as usual.
You've made me nervous about my phlox whose blooms and perfume I am eagerly awaiting. I'm out with the pellets now. Nice to have you around honey.
BTW I believe eosophogeal is the commonest form of cancer now - not just from smoking and drinking but also reflux.

4:03 pm  

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