Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm really chuffed that a shot of mine was chosen to be in the current issue of Qarrtsiluni and I'm grateful to Lucy at box elder for thinking it had merit and putting it forward.

I'm living in the garden at the moment. I should post more photos, but as I shoot in RAW and convert etc, etc I'd rather store the editing up for a rainy day. But I will try to add a shot to this post later.

Things are at their peak just now. The crambe cordifolia is a massive meteor shower of tiny white, honey-scented flowers and the old French roses I planted 18 months ago are finally putting on a show, with big cabbage heads of lipstick pink flowers dripping in musky scent.

This morning I trimmed the wisteria back as it was a thicket of springy new growth, and then I cut back a big old euphorbia and dead-headed the white lilac, which has gone over already. It was a nice job as they are right beside a mock orange bush in full flower, and a whole mess of Buff Beauty climbing roses, which break in shades of apricot and fade to ivory and also have a lovely scent.

I also have a load of opium poppies that have self-seeded in the paths and I can't wait to see what colours they will be, my favourites are the very red doubles. The peonies are also enjoying the relatively settled weather. I love to see the white ones standing out in the gloaming at about 10pm at night.

In the greenhouse I'm picking tons of rocket and other salad leaves, the vine has set its grapes and the passion flower if running riot. Pots of four kinds of basil are also doing well, though still tiny and not ready to pick. And my Chelsea auriculas have germinated, and the mixed verbascums, but no sign yet of the sea hollies.

If only we could bottle these days!

I see Lucy is making elder flower cordial. I have a yen to pick some elder flowers and dip them in batter, like the Italians do with courgette/zuccinni flowers. They are supposed to taste really lovely and being Scots a bit of batter never goes amiss !

Anyway must go. I've a prescription to get, I always leave it to the last minute.
There's lots of other stuff I need to do too, like MOT the car before then end of the month, and shop for boring things for the house - the dog shredded a quilt cover by getting a claw caught trying to dig it up. But these days are too precious to waste.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your garden sounds about a 1000 weeks ahead of mine ... my mock oranges are still in tight, tight bud, no roses have gone over yet, the wisteria had tortured blossom this year for the first time - it can't decide if 200m up in the Campsies is the right place for it and slugs have everything else. The salad lettuce are only poking their noses up and the tomatoes are about 3 inches tall. I think we will have fresh salad veg for Xmas!


9:27 pm  
Blogger Colin Will said...

Congratulations on getting your photo in there. It's a super zine.

8:25 am  
Blogger Lucy said...

Well I can't say I don't miss your photos, but I can almost see that Buff Beauty and mock orange combo.

I'm pretty proud I got your photo in too!

8:00 pm  
Blogger Kay Cooke said...

Congrats on the photo - a lovely fluid movement captured.
Your gardening and garden sounds delish.

4:10 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on qarrtsiluni and your garden sounds amazing. I love this time of year... excepting all this rain and wind we've been having.

8:36 am  
Blogger apprentice said...

Thanks you all, weather is lousy now, but other stuff, like my poor sick car needs attention. It failed its MOT -bugger!! i think him indoors would like me to give up on it, but it would be such a los of mobility

5:17 pm  

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