Sunday, February 05, 2006

I love Sunday mornings. My old man brings me a cup of tea, and I listen to BBC Radio 4's excellent Broadcasting House topical news programme, and graze the Sunday papers at the same time.

I've stopped reading the political stuff, I'm just so out of sympathy with it all that it feels a pointless exercise. (Best bit of political satire is Rory Bremner doing Blair saying, "I'm not bothered!" Cameron is just a young Tony, bright and opportunistic, and the Lib Dems "sacked" one flawed guy and are now offering two less able men (or why didn't they get the job the last time) the chance to run for the post )

I like to read the book and music reviews, and the Observer's Nigel Slater and Monty Don.

Must do piano practise. I'm learning Ode to Joy, though the way I play it it's more of an Ode to So So.
Weather dull so photography not a great option. Will try and capture drifts of snowdrops before they go over, but frosty morning, with a bit of sun is preferable to this flat gray.
May also tidy my friend's garden, she's living with stage 4 breast cancer in her spine, so gardening is no longer an option for her.

I'm with Earl, life's all about earning good karma these days.

Writing a piece for my Writers' Group on Tuesday. We're taking sessions in turn, and I did one on characterisation, based on a Carol Shields' quote about how we all wake up and reinvent ourselves each day. We agreed to write a longer piece based on one of the short character sketches we each wrote "in class".

Oh and I've Sunday dinner to cook, devoid of ideas at the mo. Nigel..................................


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